2025 On rigidity theory, strong solidity, Coxeter groups, graph products and commutator estimates (TU Delft Repository)
Matthijs Borst
2023 Classification of right-angled Coxeter groups with a strongly solid von Neumann algebra (Journal version), (Arxiv version)
Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
Matthijs Borst, Martijn Caspers
2023 Commutator estimates for normal operators in factors with applications to derivations (Arxiv version)
Accepted in Journal of Operator Theory
Alexei Ber, Matthijs Borst, Fedor Sukochev
2022 The CCAP for graph products of operator algebras (Journal version), (Arxiv version)
Journal of Functional Analysis
Matthijs Borst
2022 On the isomorphism classes of q-Gaussian C*-algebras for infinite variables (Journal version), (Arxiv version)
Proceedings of American Mathematical Society
Matthijs Borst, Martijn Caspers, Mario Klisse, Mateusz Wasilewski
2022 Bimodule Coefficients, Riesz transforms on Coxeter groups and strong solidity. (Journal version), (Arxiv version)
Accepted in the Journal of Groups, Geometry and Dynamics
Matthijs Borst, Martijn Caspers, Mateusz Wasilewski
2021 A multidimensional solution to additive homological equations. (Journal version), (Arxiv version)
Izvestiya Mathematics
Alexei Ber, Matthijs Borst, Sander Borst, Fedor Sukochev
2019 Full proof of Kwapién's theorem on representing bounded mean zero functions on [0,1] (Journal version), (Arxiv version)
Studia Mathematica
Alexei Ber, Matthijs Borst, Fedor Sukochev